Orange Milkshake

Orange Milkshake - Food & Nutrition Magazine - Stone Soup
Photo by Jordan Faith

Orange you ready for a refreshing treat? Orange Milkshake -

This orange milkshake incorporates Greek yogurt for protein and fresh oranges for some vitamin C. The combination is the perfect afternoon pick-me-up.

Orange Milkshake

Serves 4


  • 5 Oranges, peeled
  • ¼ cups lemonade
  • ½ cups Greek Yogurt
  • ¼ cups milk or plant-based alternative
  • 2 teaspoon sugar
  • Ice (as needed)


Add oranges, lemonade, Greek yogurt, milk and sugar in a blender and blend until smooth. Then, add ice to reach your desired consistency.

Jordan Faith
Jordan is currently an undergraduate student at Florida International University. As an aspiring registered dietitian nutritionist, she loves teaching children about health and believes in a balanced lifestyle. She enjoys writing, creating fun recipes and soaking up the Florida sunshine.