Let’s Put the “Moo” Back in Smoothie

Image courtesy of NDC

Delicious, nutritious cow’s milk provides a powerful package of nine essential nutrients, including protein, calcium and vitamin D. However, 8 out of 10 people are falling short on their daily dairy recommendations. Show us how you put the “moo” in delicious, nutrient-rich smoothies!

To be eligible to win this recipe contest, your smoothie recipe must include one full serving of dairy. That’s at least 1 cup, or a 1-cup serving equivalent, of cow’s milk dairy foods (see the Cup of Dairy Table at choosemyplate.gov/dairy).

The full serving of dairy may be comprised of more than one kind of cow’s milk dairy food, such as 12 cup of milk + 12 cup of yogurt.

Please do not specify name brands in the ingredients list.

Successful Smoothie 101

Here are some ideas to get your creative recipe ideas flowing:

  1. Start with a dairy base.
  2. Add fruit or vegetables.
  3. Thicken it up. Try ice, avocado, yogurt or nut butter!
  4. Enhance the flavor, perhaps with a drizzle of honey or some vanilla extract, cinnamon or turmeric.
  5. Give it an added nutritional boost. Need extra protein? Add a scoop of whey! Want a little more fiber? Try flax or chia seeds!

How to Participate

Food & Nutrition Magazine
Food & Nutrition Magazine publishes articles on food and diet trends, highlights of nutrition research and resources, updates on public health issues and policy initiatives related to nutrition, and explorations of the cultural and social factors that shape Americans’ diets and health.