Jelly 1.01

Platform and Price
Android and Apple, free

RD Score
4 out of 5

Synopsis of the App
Jelly is the newest way to crowdsource questions on any topic using pictures. The app comes with three simple instructions: Point. Shoot. Ask.


  • Remarkably easy to use
  • Fun way to quickly get answers to questions on any subject.
  • Visually driven, Jelly requires an image in order to ask a question.
  • Sources questions and answers from friends of friends in your twitter and Facebook social networks.
  • Respond to questions with text, URL links or a drawing.
  • Jelly does not automatically post your questions or answers to social networks.
  • Share questions and answers with friends via social media, text or email if desired.
  • Star questions to be notified when additional responses are posted.
  • Keep up with the questions and answers you’ve posed under the activity tab.
  • No advertisements


  • Brand new app that’s still building an active user base.
  • Current networks are limited to Twitter and Facebook.
  • Question and answer quality varies based on who’s in your network.
  • Questions are not organized by topic or category.
  • Except for the ability to send a simple “thank you” there is no way to communicate with responders, which would significantly increase interaction among users.
  • Answering questions (and delivering value to the community) may increase exposure and help grow your overall social media following.

Bottom Line
This photo-focused app makes posing and answering questions a cinch. Unlike Quora and other crowdsourcing platforms, Jelly uses visual appeal to engage users. With continued popularity and a few tweaks like adding a question filter, Jelly could become the go to app to answer your burning questions like where to find the best macarons in Paris.

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Marisa Moore
Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is based in Atlanta and specializes in culinary nutrition, communications and consulting. She blogs at Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.