Garden Tracker

Platform and Price
$1.99; Available via Apple App store

RD Score
4 out of 5
Synopsis of the App
Garden Tracker helps you plan one or several gardens, plant seeds and track progress through harvest. The app provides a number of resources to support the new and seasoned gardener.


  • Simple, easy-to-use garden plot graphic displays the layout, details seeding suggestions and estimates crop yield per square foot.
  • Details growing conditions and yield for over 50 common crops.
  • Fully customizable with the option to add your own produce or flowers.
  • Easily track essential gardening information including days until harvest, watering and fertilizing history.
  • Provides a library of pests and plant diseases including images, signs and symptoms of problems and how to control pests and plant diseases.
  • Quick reference tools include a daily sunrise and sunset calculator, lunar calendar and zone table detailing average temperatures for your location.
  • Dropbox enabled to sync garden data and images between mobile and desktop devices.
  • Ability to save and edit multiple gardens.
  • Provides basic information on sowing seeds, water requirements, soil pH range, yield and when to plant, recommended seed varieties and companion plants.




  • Graphics are dated.
  • Zone map and lunar calendars are provided with no instruction on how to use them.
  • No apparent way to set up reminders.


Bottom Line
Though many people use gardening as an escape from the world, Garden Tracker delivers an easy way to plan and track your garden from wherever you are. This app would be beneficial for the new or experienced gardener.

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Marisa Moore
Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is based in Atlanta and specializes in culinary nutrition, communications and consulting. She blogs at Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.