Brainy App

Platform and Price

Apple and Android, free

RD Score

4 out of 5

Synopsis of the App

Developed by Alzheimer’s Australia and the Bupa Health Foundation, the Brainy App helps you monitor and improve your brain health.                   


  • Pre-survey helps users assess the impact of their current diet and lifestyle choices on brain health.
  • Track weekly activities that can improve brain health such as healthy eating habits, physical activity, social activities and mental challenges like learning something new.
  • Provides good to know facts about the brain, brain health and a gateway to act on these facts with a link to activities.
  • Encourages speaking with doctor, getting blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar checked regularly.
  • Discourages negative habits like smoking and physical inactivity.
  • Ability to share content and activities on Facebook


  • This is an Australian app so users will notice a difference in vernacular, measures and definitions of terms like such as “low sodium.”
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    Marisa Moore
    Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is based in Atlanta and specializes in culinary nutrition, communications and consulting. She blogs at Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.