HabitShare (iOS version 2.1.30)

HabitShare (iOS version 2.1.30) -Synopsis of the App: HabitShare is a social habit-tracking app that lets users connect with friends for accountability.

Price and Platform: Free. Apple and Android.

RDN Score: 4/5


  • User-friendly and cheerful app design makes tracking habits easy and fun.
  • Immediately and simply add habits upon sign-up.
  • Tap a green, red or grey circle to mark each daily habit as a success, fail or skip.
  • Stay on track with built-in reminders and on-screen streak notifications and by accessing the app on any device.
  • Decide what to share with whom. HabitShare lets users keep all activity private or share eating habits with one person or group and other habits such as exercise with another.
  • Analyze progress using color-coded charts.
  • Stay accountable by sharing progress with select friends and chatting with them from the app.
  • Keep it fun and stay engaged with messaging and gifs.


  • HabitShare is not widely used, so users may need to convince friends to join.

Bottom Line: HabitShare is ideal for people who want to visually track daily habits and who enjoy having friends and family help hold them accountable.

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Marisa Moore
Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, is based in Atlanta and specializes in culinary nutrition, communications and consulting. She blogs at marisamoore.com. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.