Explaining the Difference Between an RDN and Nutritionist

Explaining the Difference Between an RDN and Nutritionist - Food & Nutrition Magazine - Student Soup
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The other day I was asked, “What’s the difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian?” I think current and future registered dietitian nutritionists can agree that this is a common question. Explaining the Difference Between an RDN and Nutritionist - It is helpful to know and explain the difference clearly.

It may be helpful to begin the conversation with a few questions:

  • If you need blood drawn and tested, who would you go to?
  • If you broke a bone, who would you want to look at your X-rays?
  • If you were having a baby, who would you want to deliver the little one?
  • If you had a toothache, who would you see for help?

Chances are, they would say a doctor, a radiologist, an OBGYN and a dentist. It is unlikely that a patient would seek help from someone without extensive training.

This lends well to the conversation concerning the difference between an RDN and a nutritionist. An RDN has a degree, has completed an internship, passed an accreditation exam and must maintain continuing education credits in addition to their work experience. A nutritionist has not completed all of those qualifications. As an RDN-to-be, we have gone through some of the education and experience that an RDN has but not all, which qualifies us as nutritionists.

If you are an aspiring RDN, remind those who ask you that, just like the medical student or intern, are a nutrition student or intern. You can tell them what you’ve learned in your classes concerning overall wellness, but if they are seeking medical nutrition therapy, be sure to refer them to a registered dietitian nutritionist.

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Britney Giles
Britney Giles is a senior at Arizona State University’s undergraduate DPD program. She currently works as the Nutrition Coordinator for a local private practice. She is aspiring to one day become a registered dietitian nutritionist focusing on body image and young athlete nutrition. You can find Britney training for marathons, studying, typing away, or spending time outdoors (with food, of course) with her husband.