Why Losing My Fitness Tracker Was the Best Thing That Happened

Why Losing My Fitness Tracker Was the Best Thing That Happened | Food & Nutrition | Stone Soup
Photo: altrendo images/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Someone recently contacted me asking me about my nutrition services. She told me that she is having a hard time getting to the gym. And I thought, “Been there, done that.” I hate going to the gym and using exercise machines. I just find it so boring. Every time I go I vow I will never go again. But, I have found other great exercise activities which I love. In fact, I look forward to my exercise classes.

Let me tell you why I love exercise: the group camaraderie, the endorphins, the stretches, the challenge, the occasional soreness and the physical and emotional health benefits.

Did I mention calories or weight anywhere? Nope! And that’s because I rarely think about my weight or calories I burn when I exercise. Something that really helped make the switch was losing my fitness tracker.

Yup, I lost it. (I promise I’m super responsible in real life!)

One fateful Friday afternoon, I lost my fitness tracker in a grocery store parking lot. And life has never been better. (OK, I’m being dramatic, but still!)

I no longer think about calories burned in the workout class, how much time is left or what my heart rate is. These little bits of information are not very important (unless you were part of a research study or the like). And I try to be present and not think about the time and the long list of activities I need to do after class. And if I’m tired, I skip my workout or take it easy during class. People have different goals for exercise. Mine include to increase my strength, energy levels and to feel good.

So it doesn’t matter if I’m at a barre, yoga, cardio, spin or other class. I try to have fun and be in the moment. I take it easy when I want or need. And I eat something after exercise without considering calories.

No longer do I think about calories burned during class or “extra calories I can eat” based on my workout. I eat nutritious foods most of the time, as well as foods I love and enjoy, which make me feel good. And this is why losing my fitness tracker has been such a gift.

I encourage you to find exercise you enjoy. Why Losing My Fitness Tracker Was the Best Thing That Happened - No need to engage in grueling cardio if you hate it. Skip yoga if you don’t like it. Find what you enjoy. Happy moving!

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Zahava Roth
Zahava is a dietetic intern living in Chicago. She is passionate about helping people develop a healthy relationship with food and discover new and delicious veggies. Connect with her on her website, Edggie Veggie, and on Instagram.