Roasted Carrots with Lentils
Stone Soup

Roasted Carrots with Lentils

You can never have too many quick and easy vegetable sides. Think outside the box a bit with this roasted carrots with lentils recipe. Featuring crunchy, roasted lentils and sweet carrots over ricotta and Asiago

robynmac/ iStock / Getty Images Plus
Stone Soup

5 Tips for Safer Slow Cooking

No matter the season, slow cookers are a handy kitchen device, whether you’re craving a savory pulled pork or baked beans or something sweet like apple crisp. But before you plug in, let’s review five tips that will ensure you’re using your slow cooker safely. 1. Safe Set Up  While you might be in a rush to start the slow cooker

Southern Peach Frittata

Southern Peach Frittata

A flavorful frittata filled with caramelized onions and topped with peppery arugula and feta cheese is a perfect one-pan meal. This sponsored recipe is brought by siggi’s as part of Food & Nutrition‘s Recipe Roundup